With the PayGlobal debit system you can collect one-off, regular or variable Direct Debit payments with our simple online tool or the API.

Plus, your customers are fully protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.


We automatically pay out funds to your specified bank account 3 working days after they're collected from your customer. So there is no need to worry about long funding delays…

Using our online tool, you can issue a request for authorisation to take Direct Debit payments from a customer in 2 clicks.

We email your customer a link to our payment authorisation page. To authorise they click the link and complete our secure checkout.

Once authorised, you can take payments from your customers automatically by adding them to a payment plan.

We will notify your customers every time a new payment is taken.

You can trigger a request for authorisation from PayGlobal by adding a customer, or send them a link to a plan yourself.

Your customer just needs to click the link and enter their details on our secure online payment page to set up a Direct Debit and authorise you to take future payments automatically.

You can set up your customers’ payments however you like by easily customizing the day, date, frequency and duration of payments.


Also, provided your payment hasn't been submitted to the banks yet, you can easily cancel an existing payment or remove your customer from the plan and add them to a new one. All this can be done from within your dashboard in seconds.

Our online dashboard gives you real-time info on all your payments and customers, allowing you to check the status of a payment at any time.


PayGlobal debit system is compatible with mobiles and tablets. Our payment pages will work in any Internet browser.

You can take payments in the following European countries

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

You can be registered anywhere in the world providing you have a Euro account open in the UK or a Eurozone country.

We support payments in GBP and EUR.

To sign up we will need some personal details to help us verify your identity and some basic information on the company or organisation you are collecting for.